Looking for your AMI assignments all in one place? Join your grade's AMI Google Classroom! Parents, you can join too! We will continue to provide paper packets for those who need them.
6th Grade= 2fj3ubd (previously called advisory)
7th Grade= caeasos
8th Grade=tkbdurt
Tax free weekend is almost here! Here’s the BMS dress code (there are no changes from last year). Fingertip length is the key to remember for shorts, skirts, and shirts with leggings.
The entire student handbook can be found at https://www.bauxiteminers.org/o/middle-school
Miner Days are going on now! Come see us at Bauxite Middle School! We will be here today (7/30) until 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. tomorrow (7/31). A parent must be present to complete paperwork and all fines must be paid before the student can receive their schedule.
BXSD Open House will be Thursday, August 8th from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m at each campus.
BXSD Miner Days are July 30 & 31 from 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m. A parent must be present to complete paperwork. All fines must be paid before receiving the student's schedule. Please allow approximately 15-30 minutes to complete paperwork. Call our office if you have questions.
Bauxite Schools are taking AMI Day 1 on Thursday, April 18 due to flooding.
Bauxite Schools are closed Friday, April 19.
Bauxite Schools lockdown drill was a success! It’s complete and we are resuming our school day!
The BMS Dance scheduled for tonight has been postponed until next Friday night due to expected inclement weather tonight. Students, keep your tickets!
Early Dismissal 11/16/18
Bauxite Schools will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 16, 2018.
Join BMS for our Veterans Day Assembly November 12. See attached letter for more details.
Report cards that were not picked up at Parent-Teacher Conferences last Thursday were sent home today with students.
Red Ribbon Week reminder- NO face paint, masks, or temporary hair color, including glitter, is allowed.
School will dismiss at 1:30 Thursday, Oct. 18. Parent Teacher Conferences will be from 2-7. No school 10/19 or 10/22. Enjoy your fall break!
BMS Book Fair is underway!📘📗 Open today through Thursday night!
Mass Flu Clinic
River Center in Benton
Friday Oct. 12 8am-5pm
Flu shots and flu mist available
BMS Tackle Hunger Food Drive kicks off today!
7th graders will take their ACT Interim tests 10/8-10/9 from 9am-11am. Be sure chromebooks are charged.
The football games scheduled for Monday night (10/8) against Ft. Lake are cancelled.