October 21, 2022
First Bell: 7:45 am
Late Bell: 7:50 am
Breakfast:Sausage Pancakes or Glazed Donuts, Fruit, Milk, Juice
Lunch: Boneless Hot Wings or Pizza, Veggie Blend, Fresh Fruit
We are having the book fair through next Thursday, Oct. 27.
Next week is Red Ribbon Week.
Monday - Drugs are not a Game! Dress as your favorite athlete.
Tuesday - We are stronger together! Go all out with your grade’s color: 6th -
Blue, 7th - Green, 8th- Purple
Wednesday - We have good character! Dress as a book, TV or movie character.
Thursday - Miners stand strong against drugs! Wear your Bauxite colors and
show your school spirit!
Dates to Remember:
October 20-27 – Book Fair
October 24-27 – Red Ribbon Week
October 25 - Early Release at 1:30, Parent Teacher Conferences
October 27 - Early Release at 1:30
October 28 - Fall Break
Transportation questions? Please call 501-557-5254
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!