April 11, 2022
First Bell: 7:45 am
Late Bell: 7:50 am
Breakfast: Pancake & Sausage on a Stick or Gogurt, Fruit, Milk, and Apple Juice
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Salad Bar, Oranges
Course Selection Forms are due.
Any 8th grade student wishing to run for student council at Bauxite High School for next school year needs to sign up in the middle school office by Wednesday April 13th. Elections will be held Monday, April 18th.
Each month, we recognize students who display the positive characteristics of a Miner to be our Best of the Best. Our March winners are:
6th: Rylee Ferrell and Carson Quimby
7th: Maddie Price and Treylon Fleming
8th: Nena Hodges and Casey Shamhart
Congratulations to these Best of the Best Bauxite Miners!
The library has earbuds for sale for $1.00.
Dates to Remember:
April 15 - Good Friday, No Students or Staff
April 29 - Picture Day
Transportation questions? Please call 501-557-5254
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!