April 21, 2021
First Bell 7:45 a.m.
Tardy Bell 7:50 a.m.
Breakfast to Go: Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Biscuit or Choc Chip Pancakes, Fruit, Milk, Apple Juice
Lunch: Chicken Sandwiches, Let/Tom/Pickle Cups, Smiles, Peaches, Cookies
Congratulations to our 2021-2022 Drillers and Crushers basketball teams!
For those who signed up for volleyball, 7th Grade and makeup 8th/9th grade tryouts are in Harrell gym Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm and Thursday right after school from 3:30 to 5:00pm. Tryout schedules and details have been emailed to you, so check your email. See Coach Carter if you have questions.
Friday is the last day to order your Bauxite slides!!!!
Go to https://bauxite.itemorder.com/sale to order online or scan the QR code on the flyer in your hallway!
Anyone interested in auditioning for this year's talent show please check your advisory google classroom for the google form to sign up. Deadline to sign up is this Thursday, April 22nd.
If you are interested in running for Student Council Freshmen Class Representative for the 2021/2022 school year, please pick up a packet from Mr. Parsons. Class representatives must have a 2.5 GPA. The deadline to sign up and return application forms is Wednesday, April 28th by 3:30 pm. Please see Mr. Parsons or email Mrs. Baxley at the high school for any questions.
Monday 4-26- NO testing, ALL students at school.
Tuesday 4-27- 6th and 7th grade will be virtual. 8th grade will be on campus testing.
Wednesday 4-28- 6th and 7th grade will be virtual. 8th grade will be on campus testing.
Thursday 4-29-8th grade will be virtual. 6th and 7th grade will be on campus testing.
Friday 4-30- 8th grade will be virtual. 6th and 7th grade will be on campus testing.
Transportation questions? Please call 501-557-5254
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!