March 4, 2021
First Bell 7:45 a.m.
Tardy Bell 7:50 a.m.
Breakfast to Go:Biscuit & Gravy or French Toast, Fruit, Milk, Orange Juice
LUNCH:Burgers or Pizza w/Salad,Potato Puffs, Let/Tom/Pickle Cups, Fruit
6th and 7th graders: Your course request sheets are due THIS THURSDAY! Be sure it’s signed by a parent.
8th graders: You will pick your classes for next year at a later date.
If anyone is interested in doing The Recycled Art Contest or Re-Fashion Bash please let Mrs. Golleher know as soon as possible. The deadline for entering is very soon.
Remember that you MUST check in using the Google form in order to not be marked absent on virtual days.
Transportation questions? Please call 501-557-5254
Students may not ride home with other students on the bus. All students must ride their regular bus home.
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!