February 28, 2018
First Bell 7:45
Breakfast to Go: Breakfast Pizza or Waffles, Fruit, Milk or Juice
LUNCH: Hamburgers, Potatoes Puffs, Baked Beans, Apples & Cookies
8th Grade: Today & Friday, you will be taking Interim III of the ACT ASPIRE.
Spring Picture Orders are due in the office by Friday, March 2.
Students trying out for Cheer & Dance, the Cheer Clinic is this Saturday, March 3. You can get your permission slip in the office.
Yearbooks are off to the printers and will be ready early May. There are a limited number of extra books ordered. If you want one, bring $40 asap. These extra books are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Sorry, we can't hold books without payment.
Students, you need to turn in your course request sheet is due March 9, to Mrs. Roberts-not the office.
Don’t forget the green team is still collecting plastic sacks! The contest will continue through March.
Math Tutoring is being provided before and after school only on Tuesday and Thursdays. Tutoring is free. You must have a permission slip signed if you are staying after school. Permission slips are in the office. Times are 7:00 a.m.-7:45 a.m. and 3:25p.m.-4:00p.m.
Remember “Once a Miner, Always a Miner!