February 27, 2018
First Bell 7:45
Breakfast to Go: Biscuits w/Sausage or French Toast, Fruit, Milk or Juice
LUNCH: Chicken Quesadillas, Salsa & Pinto Beans, Carrots & Celery, Fresh Fruit
This MORNING ONLY tutoring session is cancelled.
This is a reminder that YOU ARE NOT allowed in the hallways before the bell rings.
The only exception is for students going to math tutoring.
If you have detention, you must walk in front of the building and go up the stairs on the side of the building.
Also, if you are at lunch, YOU ARE NOT allowed to be in the hallways or upstairs.
You must remain in the cafeteria or go outside to the playground area. The only exception are students who need to go to the nurse.
Students this is a reminder that you can NOT take food or drinks outside at breakfast or lunch.
If you see students in the hallways during these times, please ask them where they are going.
If they shouldn't be there, please assign detention.
There will be an informational meeting for parents of current 6th and 7th grade students regarding scheduling for next year and the Smart Core curriculum followed by the Bauxite School District on TONIGHT, February 27, 2018 in the BMS cafeteria from 6-7 pm. Please contact Lindsay Roberts with any questions at robertsl@bauxiteminers.org
8th Grade: Thursday & Friday, you will be taking Interim III of the ACT ASPIRE.
GT will meet with 7th grade during advisory today.
HSU will meet with 7th grade during advisory today.
Spring Picture Orders are due in the office by Friday, March 2.
We have added a Track Remind Link: https://www.remind.com/join/4acg8 to your daily bulletin announcements. Your daily announcements are emailed to you every afternoon by 3:45.
Students trying out for Cheer & Dance, the Cheer Clinic is this Saturday, March 3. You can get your permission slip in the office.
Students, you need to turn in your course request sheet is due March 9, to Mrs. Roberts-not the office.
Don’t forget the green team is still collecting plastic sacks! The contest will continue through March.
Students, This is a reminder that gum is not allowed on campus. Many of you are leaving gum on your lunch tray. PLEASE do not do this! Throw it in the trash. If you are seen with gum, you will receive detention.
Math Tutoring is being provided before and after school only on Tuesday and Thursdays. Tutoring is free. You must have a permission slip signed if you are staying after school. Permission slips are in the office. Times are 7:00 a.m.-7:45 a.m. and 3:25p.m.-4:00p.m.
If you would like more information please come by the office.
Remember “Once a Miner, Always a Miner!