February 10, 2021
First Bell 7:45 a.m.
Tardy Bell 7:50 a.m.
Breakfast to Go:Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Biscuit or Choc Chip Pancakes,Fruit, Milk, Apple Juice
LUNCH:Chicken Sandwiches, Let/Tom/Pickle Cups, Potato Smiles, Peaches
Due to scheduling conflicts the mandatory spirit squad informational meeting has been changed from Thursday, February 11 to Thursday, February 18 in Dawson Gym. Thankyou for your understanding.
Cheer Clinic for 6th-11graders interested in trying out for cheer will be Saturday, February 20th in PHE gym and Saturday, March 6th in Dawson gym. Cost is $20 for one clinic and $30 for both clinics. Forms are available in the front office. Contact Coach Grubb at grubba@bauxiteminers.org with any questions.
The January Best of the Best winners are:
6th grade: Carsyn West and Keller Hyder
7th grade: Emma Cooper and Nicolas Thompson
8th grade: Addison Carrington and Mark Banks
Remember that you MUST check in using the Google form in order to not be marked absent on virtual days.
Transportation questions? Please call 501-557-5254
Students may not ride home with other students on the bus. All students must ride their regular bus home.
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!