January 16, 2018.
First Bell 7:45
Breakfast to Go: Biscuit w/Sausage, French Toast , Fruit, Milk or Juice
LUNCH: Beef nachos, Spanish Rice, Corn and Peaches
7th Grade GT will meet today during advisory.
Spirit & Pride is having their Spring Clearance Sale Order forms are in the office. Orders and money are due January 26, 2018.
Students interested in participating in the 2018 Re-Fashion Bash should go to the information meeting at Pine Haven Elementary on January 16 at 6:00 pm. Please see Mrs. Golleher for more information.
Math Tutoring will be provided before and after school starting next Tuesday. Tutoring is free. You must have a permission slip signed if you are staying after school. Permission slips are in the office.
Tutoring is only on Tuesday and Thursdays:
Times are 7:00 a.m.-7:45 a.m. and 3:25p.m.-4:00p.m.
If you would like more information please come by the office.
Club photos will be taken January 17th and 18th during 7th and 8th grade advisory. On the 17th, we will take Quiz Bowl, Spelling Bee winners and Spelling Bee contestants, NJHS and CHOICE photos. On the 18th, we will take 7th and 8th grade band, choir and Bauxite Christian Council photos.
Yearbook deadline is approaching fast! You must get your order in by February 16th to be guaranteed a book. The cost is $35.00 and you may purchase online at www.jostensyearbooks.com or you may bring money to Mrs. Wilson. If you aren't sure if you've ordered a book or not, check the list posted by the elevator!
Sports Happening Today!
7th Grade Boys and Jr High Boys will play @ Mayflower @ 4:30
Remember “Once a Miner, Always a Miner!”