August 28, 2020
First Bell 7:45 a.m.
Tardy Bell 7:50 a.m.
Breakfast to Go: Chicken Biscuit or Glazed Donuts, Milk Apple Juice & Fruit
LUNCH: Pepperoni Pizza or Baked Potato w/Fajita Chicken & Toast, Corn, Tossed Salad w/Ranch, Applesauce
Parents will be notified if school will be closed tomorrow. That has not been determined at this time.
**Bauxite Schools: We are keeping an eye on the weather and the possibility of flooding, power outages, and downed trees tomorrow afternoon and Friday morning. We are reminding parents that students are allowed to learn remotely if parents are concerned about safety or transportation issues. We will be open for onsite instruction though, so make the choice that is best for your family! Because of our blended learning plan, we have options for situations like these we have not had in the past! Stay safe out there, Miners!
7th grade boys basketball tryouts will be held this Friday at 6 p.m. in Dawson Gym.
Jr. High boys basketball tryouts will be held this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. in Dawson gym.
We are unable to use our water fountains due to Covid-19, but filling stations are their way! We suggest students bring 1-2 bottles of water to school until our filling stations arrive. Also, we ask that students NOT carry their chromebooks in their backpacks if they have water bottles in their backpack. We have seen many chromebooks damaged over the years due to the bottles leaking causing parents to have to purchase a new device.
Transportation questions? Please call 501-557-5254
Students may not ride home with other students on the bus. All students must ride their regular bus home.
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!