😃HELLO!!! We hope you enjoyed your Spring Break and are staying well! Here are a few updates regarding AMI assignments to answer some of your questions.

📚AMI work for days #6-#10 will be in Google Classroom by Monday 3/30 morning (most teachers have already added it). We will also have packets available at BMS for pick up beginning Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. Many students received assignments #6-#10 on the Thursday we left (3/12).

Ready to turn in work? Many of you are submitting your assignments online and that’s great, but we also know many of you need to turn in paper packets. You may drop off your completed assignments beginning Monday morning in the designated drop box at the front doors. It is IMPORTANT that you include your NAME on every sheet you turn in.

🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️We do not want these assignments to add additional stress to an already stressful time! If you are having trouble, please contact your teachers!

☎️While the building will be locked, we will have someone available to answer your calls M-TH from 8am-2pm to assist you! 501-557-5491

Take care & stay well,

  Mrs. Arnold

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