September 12, 2019
First Bell 7:45
Breakfast to Go: Biscuit/Gravy or Sausage, Egg,Cheese Biscuit
LUNCH: Cheeseburgers or Hamburgers, Potato Puffs,Let/Tom/Pickles, Blue Raspberry Sorbet
Any 6th graders interested in attending the future miner cheer clinic are encouraged to pick up a flyer in the office! The clinic is September 23,24,26th and will perform before the game on the 27th.
You can order online from Spirit and Pride at School id #363712
Any 6th graders interested in attending the future miner cheer clinic are encouraged to pick up a flyer in the office! The clinic is September 23,24,26th and will perform before the game on the 27th
Thursday,9-12, 8th grade GT will meet during advisory in room 202.
Thursday, September 12, 8th grade plays at 5:30, and Crushers play at 7:00 at home.
The Bauxite Middle School Student Council Members will be meeting on Friday during the 7th & 8th Grade Advisory (12:00 - 12:30). 6th Graders this is your lunch time so please bring your lunch to Mr. Parsons Room.
Friday, September 13, we will be on Activity bell schedule for a Senior high pep rally.
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!