September 11, 2019
First Bell 7:45
Breakfast to Go: Nugget Biscuit or Donuts
LUNCH: Turkey & Cheese Sandwich or Chicken Sandwiches, Baked Chips & BBQ Beans, Pickles Spears & Pears, Chocolate Chip Cookies
The following students are the winners of the Best of the Best for the month of August. Ashlynn Robinson, Drake Pettus, Bella Wilson, Daniel Harrison, Addison Thomason, and Noah Britton.
You can order online from Spirit and Pride at School id #363712
Wednesday,9-11, 6/7th grade GT will meet during advisory in room 202.
Thursday,9-12, 8th grade GT will meet during advisory in room 202.
Thursday, September 12, 8th grade plays at 5:30, and Crushers play at 7:00 at home.
The Bauxite Middle School Student Council Members will be meeting on Friday during the 7th & 8th Grade Advisory (12:00 - 12:30). 6th Graders this is your lunch time so please bring your lunch to Mr. Parsons Room.
Friday, September 13, we will be on Activity bell schedule for a Senior high pep rally.
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!