April 11, 2019
First Bell 7:45
Breakfast to Go: Bacon,Egg,Cheese Biscuit or Powdered Donuts
Student cell phones should be off or on airplane mode all day, even between classes. 7th and 8th graders, we do allow you to use your cell phone during lunch. If we continue to see that you're on your phones during the day, you will lose that privilege. If you have any questions, please see Coach Calley or Mrs. Arnold.
8th grade GT will meet during advisory.
Our Philanthropy Project for the month of April is the Humane Society of Saline County.You may help with this by bringing newspapers to line kennels. They are also in need of other supplies such as:
Paper towels
Heavy duty trash bags - 33 and 39 gallon size
Cat litter
Copy paper
Reusable plastic dog and cat toys
Postage stamps
Donation boxes are in the foyer and the classrooms of Mr. Parson, Mrs. Grubb, and Mrs. Brewer. Thanks for helping out!
4/11-12 Date Changed (Any 6th grade boy going into 7th grade) your BB tryouts will now be Thursday, April 11th and Friday, April 12th from 3:30 - 5:00 PM in Harrell Gym.
4/15-18 Book Fair
4/16/19 Current 6th and 7th Graders- Course selection sheets are being sent home this week with all 6th and 7th graders. There will be a Q&A session Tuesday, April 16th in the BMS cafeteria from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Parents, please stop by and let us answer any questions you may have about selecting classes for next year.
4/19/19 NO SCHOOL for Good Friday
5/1-3 ACT Aspire Testing
The advisory group who collects the most Walmart, dollar general, etc. bags will receive a PIZZA PARTY. The teacher of that advisory group will receive a $25.oo gift card! . Any team can win the contest will continue through April 4. If you have any questions or need a clear trash bag for your bags please see Mrs. Golleher.
If you are needing a Driver’s Permit Paper to take your driving test, please allow 24-48 hours for processing.
Remember Once A Miner ALWAYS A MINER!