ACT Aspire Testing tomorrow and Wednesday. Please, make sure your Chromebook is charged. You may bring your own calculator on Wednesday, but you must have it when you walk in the testing room. Otherwise, you can use the one provided online.
Book Club received their new book to read “The Serpent King.” @jeffzentner
Get WRAPPED up in a good book. Come check out our elves in the Media Center. #minerelves #read
A few Bauxite seniors got the chance to talk about themselves and answer questions about their plans for the future. Thank you to the Saline County Rotary Club for inviting these awesome students.
The Bauxite High School YEA! Team participated in the Saline County Christmas Parade with YEA! Team members from all of Saline County. #reduce #reuse #recycle
The Saline Health Foundation 2019 scholarship applications are now open.
Kayedon Lyvers giving the FBLA District IV report at the Executive Meeting in Little Rock. #arfbla4 #bauxitefbla
Counselors helping Seniors work on college applications and scholarships in the LMC. #collegebound
Congrats to Taren Chism for being chosen as Academic of the Month for Bauxite High School. Be sure to see the article in the Saline Courier on December 4th.
JUNIORS--It's time to start applying for Arkansas Governor's School. It will look REALLY good on your college applications. Deadline is January 31st. See Class of 2020 Google Classroom or for information.
Enjoy the Thanksgiving break!
Congrats the Ms. Hilderbrand’s advisory class for the winning the America Recycles door decorating contest.
First snow!
Book Club skyped with author John Corey Whaley after reading Where Things Come Back. #authorvisit @corey_whaley
The freshmen Stock Market Team, The Savvy Investors, are currently in 13th place out of 155 Arkansas teams! #savvyinvestors #wallstreet
Both Book Clubs met today and celebrated their books that they read. #wherethingscomeback #ruleofthree
Makerspace Monday in the HS library - Ms. Burns helping the students knit scarves. #makerspace #knitter
The Great Pumpkin Contest at Bauxite High School - Center 1st place Natalie Baker, far right 2nd place Brooklyn Brothers, far left 3rd place Haleigh Badgett. #pumpkins
JA Empower 2018
FBLA Officers are attending District IV Fall Conference in Hope today. #arfbla4 #leadership #bebauxite