We’re ready for tomorrow! If you need to know the bell schedule, here you go. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/477849/BHS_MA_Bell_Schedules_-_Regular_and_Activity_2019-2020.pdf
Schedules are available now in HAC. Students--Please, check your email for information about requesting a schedule change.
Open House will be for 9th grade only from 5-7 pm on Thursday.
Student schedules will be released this week. Students will be able to view schedules on HAC once they are released. There will be instructions and requirements on schedule changes emailed to students when schedules are released. Schedule changes will be very limited.
If students don’t know their HAC login, please contact the office to get that information.
Bauxite High School Parents - Use this link to complete all forms for the 2020-2021 school year. This is for all returning students and new students. If you are a new student and have not meet with a counselor, please call 501-557-5303 tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday 9am-2:00pm to set up a meeting. Any new student or returning student needing a chromebook or chromebook repair, please call the High School Office as well.https://sites.google.com/bauxiteminers.org/bhsenrollment
Bauxite High School will give the ACT on September 12th and 19th and October 25th. More dates may be added later, so continue to check social media for updates.
BHS Parents/Students-
If you are a new student needing to register and/or pickup your chrome book OR if you are already a BHS student and your chrome book needs replacing, please come by either Monday August 10, Tuesday August 11, or Wednesday August 12 to the office from 9 AM - 2 PM. See you then! ⚒⚒⚒
Hey Parents & Students-
Beginning Monday, August 10th, please watch for a link to fill out necessary forms electronically for Bauxite High School/Miner Academy. The link will be released through the Bauxite District Website and social media. If you have questions, please call 501-557-5303.
New student registration for Bauxite High School is today from 8:00 am-3:00 pm and tomorrow from 10:00 am-5:00 pm.
Students - Counselors may have questions about your schedules this week and next week, so please check your school email.
2020 Seniors—-If you have not accepted your Academic Challenge Scholarship, please login to your Youniversal account and accept the scholarship. This is the lottery scholarship. Many of you have not done this yet. Don’t miss out on free money!
Bauxite High School new student registration will be Wednesday, August 5th from 8am-3pm and Thursday, August 6th from 10am-5pm. If you’re unable to make it, please call the school beginning next week to make arrangements.
Bauxite employees are going above and beyond to make sure social distancing requirements are met.
Bauxite Schools: The link we shared yesterday for the livestream of graduation is experiencing technical difficulties. Use this link to watch the livestream instead. https://www.bauxiteminers.org/live-events
Bauxite Schools: We have been approved for a traditional graduation this Saturday at 9 a.m. Each graduate has a limited number of guests they can bring, so please share this link with those who can't attend so they can be a part of this day as well!
The link to watch the live stream of graduation will be shared on social media and emailed to student’s email addresses when it is available.
Graduation Reminder:
We will be following the Arkansas Dept of Health and the Arkansas Dept of Education guidelines. Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances. Masks are required. Social distancing (6 ft apart) is required between family groups.
Following the ceremony, graduates and families will be released to their vehicles. No one can remain on campus.
We hope this is a great and safe event for all. Thank you for your help.⚒⚒⚒
If you plan to attend graduation on July 11h, you MUST be one of the 8 guests allowed for each graduate.
2020 Seniors -- This letter is regarding Bauxite's graduation on Saturday, July 11th at 9 a.m. Please, read carefully.