ATTENTION All students - The UAMS Division for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion offers virtual summer programs to immerse underrepresented minority and disadvantaged K-12 and college students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning experiences with a focus on health careers and professions. For more information and to enroll, visit Deadline to apply: April 9th
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
BHS will be giving the Accuplacer on Monday, April 5th. This test is for students who want to attend the Saline County CTE Center and do not have a college entrance exam yet or students requesting to take concurrent credit courses next year and still need a qualifying score. There are only 20 spots available. Students must sign up using the link in the email sent today from Mrs. Mathys.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
UCA Admitted Students Day - Students can sign up for any Wednesday between March 29 and April 23. Spots are limited! Students can register using this link:
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
New, Bauxite-only scholarships posted on the Mindful Miners website, and some deadlines are approaching. Don't miss out on free money!
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Reminder - All juniors must be at school tomorrow morning beginning 1st period. Bring your charged chromebook to complete non-test information. All 10th grade must be at school tomorrow morning beginning 1st period for the Civics Exam. Students must bring charged chromebooks. If a student is exempt from this test, he/she would have gotten an email from Mrs. Mathys. Otherwise, 10th grade must be here. Students may check out with parent permission after testing.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Juniors--Are you interested in winning a new laptop and $5000? First Electric's Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., was canceled for 2021, but First Electric Cooperative and the state’s other electric cooperatives will provide a web-based opportunity for select high school juniors in June. Applicants must be high school juniors during the 2020-2021 school year, and their parents or guardians must be First Electric members. See the Mindful Miners website under class information for juniors for the application and more information.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Youth Tour
New scholarship opportunities posted on the Mindful Miners website.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
BHS students are working hard to improve their ACT scores by attending a test prep workshop with Chad Cargill hosted by Henderson Talent Search.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Mathys
Junior Students/Parents - There was some confusion about the non-test portion of the ACT. The non-test information will be completed on the day of the test, which is Tuesday, March 9th, and EVERY SINGLE junior needs to be on campus beginning at 7:45 am to take the test on that day.  More information about testing day procedures and test prep options have been emailed to students. Please, make sure students are checking their email for information.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Reminder - Tuesday, March 9th, all juniors are taking the free ACT and sophomores are taking the Civics Exam. 9th and 12th grade will be virtual. Test prep for the ACT can be found on the Mindful Miners website. Test prep for the Civics Exam has been posted in Class of 2023 Google Classroom and emailed to students.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Juniors, seniors, and parents can register for an on campus college visit day and find out why it is a great time to be a Nighthawk at National Park College! Choose a date: March 30th at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. March 31st at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Presentations will include: Admissions process Financial aid and scholarships Academic programs Student life Residential life Athletics And more You’ll also take a tour of campus and get any questions answered. Registration is required! Sign up at Masks are required, and social distancing will be enforced. Each session has 80 seats available, and each registered participant can bring up to 2 guests.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Austin Pate wins 6th place at the 4A1A State Swim Championship in the 100m Freestyle. Congratulations! ❤️⚒🏊🏻‍♂️
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School "Go Miners!"
Austin Pate wins 6th place at the 4A1A State Swim Championship in the 100 Freestyle.
Izzy Ragsdale - State Diving 4A-1A Runner-up! Way to go Izzy ❤️⚒🏊‍♀️
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School "Go Miners!"
Izzy Ragsdale - State Diving 4A-1A Runner-up! Way to go Izzy ❤️⚒🏊‍♀️
Seniors--The deadline to order Cap and Gowns for graduation is this coming Friday. Please, check email for a message from Jostens.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
BHS Students - If you requested to go to the CTE Center next year but have not filled out the ASU Three Rivers Application, you need to do that immediately. Visit to complete the application.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
BHS Sophomores - All 10th graders are required to be at school on March 9th for the Civics Exam. This will no longer be a virtual day for 10th grade.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
BHS Juniors - All juniors are required to be at school on March 9th for the ACT. All non-test information will be completed the day of the test.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Three new scholarships posted this morning on the Mindful Miners website. There's also information about a virtual summer camp for students interested in becoming a pharmacist.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
UAMS College of Pharmacy is hosting a FREE Virtual Summer Camp this year! All high school students interested in learning more about a career in pharmacy are encouraged to join June 9th – 11th. See attached flyer for details
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Here is the NEW Blood Drive date. Please help save lives and help our seniors earn scholarships. Sign up at ARKBI.ORG.
almost 4 years ago, Bauxite High School
Blood Drive