This year, Bauxite High School will be moving to a progressive, student-centered Flex-Mod schedule. This gives more time and responsibility to the student, and allows more one-on-one work time with teachers/students.
Last year, we sent a group of teachers, students, and administrators to a school that is currently utilizing this schedule. The group that went was overwhelmingly excited. Our faculty met for weeks and deliberated how this could work at Bauxite. At the end of the meetings, all of the High School staff voted and the decision to switch to this schedule passed with a resounding "YES!"
Here is a video that will be playing at Open House, made by Ms. Roberts, one of our High School counselors.
Here is a link to a presentation that outlines a little bit of the "why" to why Bauxite chose this.
Below is an example student schedule:
It's going to be a lot of work up front (as we've seen in creating the schedules), but in the end, this is what we as a staff feel is best for students.
Students are, and will continue to be, our number 1 focus here at Bauxite.