Bauxite Reopening FAQ
Bauxite will have two learning environments provided to families for the fall semester, Blended and Virtual. Parents will be asked to choose by July 10. Bauxite has created a Reopening Task Force of parents, educators, and administrators to provide input on reopening. Our goal is to provide a safe and rigorous educational experience with social interaction and extracurricular activities, while adhering to all safety guidelines provided by the ADH. The following FAQ is provided to help families make informed decisions. If you have an unanswered question, please contact the school office.
What is the first day for students?
School will begin on August 13, 2020, as originally planned. This date wIll only change if ADH sends updated guidance for this requirement, but this is not anticipated.
Will face coverings be required?
Currently, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) is recommending all individuals 10 years old and over wear a face covering. We are strongly recommending that adults and students age 10 and up wear face coverings when physical distancing cannot be achieved, particularly on school buses. The ADH has not issued a directive to require face covering; however, this does not downplay the importance of this additional safety measure.
Students under 10 years of age and those with health issues and special needs will not be asked to wear face coverings.
Students will be highly encouraged to wear face coverings in areas with a high concentration of students where social distancing cannot be maintained. In the event we have an increase in the number of positive cases, the face covering guidelines could change.
Will my child be disciplined for not wearing a mask?
Arkansas is strongly encouraging masks but not enforcing consequences for not wearing masks, and we will do the same.
Do we need to provide masks for our students or will one be provided?
Bauxite has purchased 1 washable face mask for each student. We recommend you buy extra masks to use while the school-provided mask is being laundered.
Will bus transportation be provided?
Yes, Bauxite will continue to provide bus transportation, following the same routes and times as before.
How normal will the day be for a student?
Our goal is for your student(s) to have as normal of a day as possible while we also provide as much safety as possible. Students will not remain in the same classroom all day but will be able to transition from one class to another. Bauxite will work with our sanitation employees to ensure cleaning practices guided by the CDC and ADH take place before a new group of students enter a space.
Will we still have recess, PE, art, music, guidance, and library?
Yes; equipment and classrooms will be sanitized between groups of students.
Will social distancing guidelines be observed?
Social distancing will be observed as much as feasibly possible, but at times students will be closer than 6ft. Our schools are working to create classrooms and cafeteria spaces that reflect an increase in the space between students, but we can not always guarantee it will be 6 ft.
Will classrooms be arranged differently to protect students?
Yes, classrooms will be arranged to provide as much space as possible between students.
If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, what will happen?
In the event an individual tests positive, we will follow the latest guidance from the ADH. We will be in direct contact with ADH. This could result in a brief closure of a single school within the district to provide time for additional cleaning and sanitation.
Will students and adults be screened daily?
We will ask students and adults to self-monitor using a four-question screening tool.
What are my options for next year?
Blended (Onsite)
This is the traditional educational model we are all accustomed to. Students will come to school every day to learn in a setting which follows safety guidelines for COVID19. It is called Blended because not only will we be offering instruction like we normally do, but we will also put our assignments online for students who may become ill and have to quarantine or just may be running a fever and don’t want to risk possibly spreading the virus. If we are instructed to close schools, students and teachers will be prepared and ready to carry on with remote learning.
Bauxite Virtual Academy (Online)
This option will be completely online, without onsite instruction. Students will only come to school for state-mandated assessments or extra-curricular activities. Families who choose Bauxite Virtual Academy must have reliable home internet access; however, we will provide a Chromebook if requested. An important thing for our Miner families to know before choosing this option is that Bauxite Virtual Academy will not look like the AMI work of the Spring semester. There will not be paper packet work. Grades will count. Attendance will count.
Last Spring, we were instructed by the Arkansas Department of Education to not introduce new learning, but rather just to reinforce previous learning. Bauxite Virtual Academy will be as rigorous as onsite instruction, and it will be graded like onsite work will be. Students will be expected to participate daily for their attendance to count; there may be times when synchronous learning is required, and the student may be expected to login during the school day to hear instruction. Other times the learning may be asynchronous.
Students registered in Bauxite Virtual Academy may also participate in extracurricular activities, following the guidelines of their coach and the Arkansas Activities Association. Transportation must be provided by the parent.
If Bauxite Virtual Academy is selected, students must remain a virtual learner through the end of the semester.
Can I still eat lunch with my child?
No, not at this time.
What assessments will my child have to take?
All students, regardless of learning environment, will still be required to take state-mandated assessments. Virtual students will make an appointment to take their assessments in a socially-distanced computer lab.
K-8 students will use the iStation diagnostic assessment to identify gaps in learning.
K-2 will be assessed with an initial screener, DIBELS 8, to monitor progress in the 6 areas outlined in the Dyslexia Resource guide.
3-10 students will be assessed twice yearly with the ACT Aspire Interim assessment to monitor progress towards readiness on the ACT Aspire summative test.
All 3-10 students will be assessed in April or early May via the ACT Aspire Summative assessment.
All eleventh grade students will be assessed via the ACT.
What about SPED or GT services?
Regardless of the learning environment chosen, SPED and GT services will be provided to identified students.
What curriculum will my child follow for the 2020-2021 school year?
Bauxite teachers will supplement their own curriculum with materials provided by Lincoln Learning. All students will work on grade-level content with essential standards lost from the COVID-19 AMI period embedded in the current standards.
Will the district provide Chromebooks and internet?
Bauxite will provide Chromebooks to families who need them. We will not be providing internet services. Wifi-enabled buses will be available near the school campuses.
How will my child be graded with the virtual option?
Families can expect a much more in-depth and rigorous curriculum program for students enrolled in the virtual/blended option. Families should plan for 3-5 hours of learning per day. Daily as well as cumulative assignments will be given. Student grades K-3 will be graded using a standards-based reporting system.
Will Pre-K be offered online?
No, Pre-K will be onsite daily.