Plan for Reopening

Bauxite Schools Plan for Reopening 



As we indicated a few weeks ago, Bauxite Schools has been exploring our options for the fall with a task force of teachers, parents, and administrators. When we surveyed all parents informally, about 20% of our families indicated they would like a virtual option. Based on your feedback, Bauxite will be offering two options for families this fall: Blended and Virtual. We are aware you will need time and information to study these options, ask questions, and consider what is right for your family, so please review the following information in order to help you make your decision by July 10. We will put out a formal survey June 22, and we will need a decision for each student by July 10 in order for us to make the best instructional decisions for students. 


Blended (Onsite) 

This is the traditional educational model we are all accustomed to. Students will come to school every day to learn in a setting which follows safety guidelines for COVID19. It is called Blended because not only will we be offering instruction like we normally do, but we will also put our assignments online for students who may become ill and have to quarantine or just may be running a fever and don’t want to risk possibly spreading the virus. If we are instructed to close schools, students and teachers will be prepared and ready to carry on with remote learning. 


Bauxite Virtual Academy (Online)

This option will be completely online, without onsite instruction. Students will only come to school for state-mandated assessments or extra-curricular activities. Families who choose Bauxite Virtual Academy must have reliable home internet access; however, we will provide a Chromebook if requested. An important thing for our Miner families to know before choosing this option is that Bauxite Virtual Academy will not look like the AMI work of the Spring semester. There will not be paper packet work. Grades will count. Attendance will count. 


Last Spring, we were instructed by the Arkansas Department of Education to not introduce new learning, but rather just to reinforce previous learning. Bauxite Virtual Academy will be as rigorous as onsite instruction, and it will be graded like onsite work will be. Students will be expected to participate daily for their attendance to count; there may be times when synchronous learning is required, and the student may be expected to login during the school day to hear instruction. Other times the learning may be asynchronous. 


Students registered in Bauxite Virtual Academy may also participate in extracurricular activities, following the guidelines of their coach and the Arkansas Activities Association. Transportation must be provided by the parent.


If Bauxite Virtual Academy is selected, students must remain a virtual learner through the end of the semester. 


Parents will be asked by survey to select either Blended (Onsite) or Bauxite Virtual Academy (Online) for each student. It is important that we receive one response for each student by the July 10 deadline. This will allow us to plan for class sizes and how we will handle our transitions and lunches. 


While the options are very different, our commitment to do our very best for our Miner students is the same. Thank you for being part of the Miner family. 


Safety Guidelines for Onsite Instruction

We will be following these current guidelines from the Arkansas Department of Health for schools. As their guidance changes, our requirements will change. 

Face Coverings:

  • Requirements for physical distancing may not be feasible in all situations in every school facility or on school buses, but all efforts possible will be made to observe physical distancing. Face coverings will be required when staff and students (fourth grade and above) return to school. Where physical distancing measures can be implemented, face coverings may be removed.

  • All students (4th grade and above) and staff will wear a face covering when riding a school bus or using district transportation. Face coverings are recommended for students under 4th grade since physical distancing will not be feasible.

  • All students (4th grade and above) and staff will wear face masks when physical distancing of six feet is not possible. (School entry, exit, classroom, hall passing, bathroom).

  • If students maintain physical distancing on the playground, face coverings will not be required.

  • Students and staff may remove the face covering while eating meals or snacks.

  • Staff and presenters may remove face coverings while teaching if 12 feet distancing is maintained.

  • Face coverings should not be used on anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, or on anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance.

Food Service:

  • Breakfast and lunch will be served in the cafeteria at reduced capacity. For this reason, visitors will not be allowed to have meals with students. Physical spacing will be organized with proper markings to show where to line up and sit.

  • Proper sanitation of all areas will be completed after each meal.

  • Procedures will not allow students to pick up utensils, self-serve, or share food. Please send a water bottle with your child as water fountains will not be available. 

Health Screening Protocols:

  • Parents will be expected to screen their children using the ADH STOP THE SPREAD TOOL prior to entering any school bus or building.

  • All staff and visitors entering the building will be screened prior to entering the facility/bus. Entry to the building will be limited to admit only for essential business.